Monday, June 25, 2007

We are so technologically un-proficient!

Sorry friends. It has been a challenge to update this blog. One problem after the other. The whole time in Beijing, I could add to the blog, but not view it. I think it was being blocked? Not sure. So I'm sorry the pictures didn't work. I was trying to update from the site in Chinese. We've also had many other electronics-related issues, related to converters, charging, etc. We melted Thomas' nintendo charger. This was very bad. VERY BAD. We MUST find a new one.

Enough of that rant. We're back in Hong Kong after thoroughly enjoying our time in Beijing. We went on a rickshaw tour of old Beijing and had lunch with a local family there. It was so cool. Thomas is treated like the rock star he will be (with Mom's grooming, of course). He has been asked to be photographed more times than I can count. It is so funny. John is going to do an entry of his thoughts on Beijing, so stay tuned.

We've met up with our group of fellow adopters. We had a nice tour of Hong Kong today and topped it off with an excellent Cantonese dim sum lunch. Hong Kong is very different than Beijing. A huge bustling BIG city. Much more English spoken here. We've had lots of funny language barrier stories already. One elderly woman pointed at my nose today, surely commenting on it's loveliness...but why was she laughing??

We leave for Nanning tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Hi Gail and John,

I was just moaning about the fact that thre were no new updates on the blog. I am sooo happy some of the technical difficulties have been worked out. I bet there will be more when you get to Guilin though. You may be able to buy a Nintendo charger in Hong Kong. We had to buy a battery charger and a camera there on one trip. You might want to mention it to your guide. So great to hear from you!


Luiz Claudio said...

Hi Gail, John and Thomas,

We're so happy for you guys and excited with your amazing adventure over there in the far east. Everything must be so different and exotic ... and, so cool !! :)

The pictures of Katherine are so cute !! She really looks very healthy and happy. And we're sure shes going to be much happier when she meets with her great new parents and brother :)

And don't forget to keep the news coming ... :P we are reading the blog every day !


Luiz and Luciana.

tawn & paul said...

Hey guys...What an adventure of a lifetime! I'm giddy with excitement over all that you are experiencing. Thanks for throwing me a bone, i.e. funny story! :)
LOVED the many qestions, like how long is the wall (I could ask Jeeves), how much of it did you hike, is it humid there, etc etc. And close...I'm going to cry....Congratulations and enjoy ALL the emotions!! Lots of love!!!

tawn & paul said...
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Anonymous said...

Regarding the fried Nintendo charger...a gasp was heard halfway across the world from Sawyer. It's so nice to see your lovely family in such an exotic locale. All you need is a beautiful daughter to complete the picture...2 more days!!